

I assume most have seen Technoviking, but I don't know if many have seen this pretty funny mashup.

And on a completely unrelated note:

Pendulum. I didn't really like Granite; it wasn't drum and bass and sounded, well, pretty lame as a rock song. However, recently on DOA due to people not liking it and accusing Pendulum of selling out, they wrote (I'll summarize) that they didn't want to be part of the drum and bass scene anyway because they felt they were on to big and better things as a rock band. They also dissed drum and bass, saying nothing interesting has come out of the scene and it will die anyways.

QUOTE: “Oh, and by the way - I’m not sure if drum and bass is dead or dying (I’ve been in the studio / on tour too long to tell).

“However, if your genre was flimsy enough to be knocked over by ONE SINGLE RECORDING ARTIST who happened to - god forbid - sell some fucking records for the first time in about 5/6 years, then I’m glad it was us that got to drive the final stake through its stale pig shit heart - and good riddance.

“Wake me up when your genre is making something that people outside the scene think is worth listening to again.’

Gotta say, I really can't support pendulum anymore. They were responsible for some really great drum and bass, but now that they're trying to do rock, they've lost anything interesting they had (plus, Granite is pretty much just recycling all past samples that they've used and making a poor man's "Slam"). The fact that they think they're too good for drum and bass now is ridiculous, especially since now as a "rock" band they aren't very good. "Hold Your Colour" and their early singles are still classics, but whatever direction they see themselves going in is not the right one .

Plus, are they really kidding anyone? Granite still has the drum and bass beat, and they got Dilinja on remix duties for Christ's sake. Just cause the drum and bass community doesn't like your new tune doesn't mean you can try to cut all ties with it.


Ben Kuyper said...

Minimal is too good for electronic music.

minimill said...

how does this relate to what i was talking about again?

>Jer said...


Harry said...


I Swear When I Grow Up... said...

harry dont even mention that word